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Martin and Burke Speak at Four Rivers Monthly Meeting

Martin and Burke Speak at  Four Rivers Monthly Meeting
Dess Smith, right, presents Streamers to Dan Brown, left, as President Steve Deweil, center, watches.
Martin and Burke Speak at  Four Rivers Monthly Meeting
Dess Smith, right, presents Streamers to Dan Brown, left, as President Steve Deweil, center, watches.

Courtesy of Four Rivers Patriots Chapter

The Four Rivers Patriots Chapter, Georgia Society Sons of the American Revolution held its monthly meeting on Thursday, February 15, 2024, at Chatters Restaurant in Lyons at 7:00. With President Steve DeWeil presiding, there were 18 in attendance.

After the opening prayer by Chaplain Emory Fennell, the Pledge of Allegiance and the Pledge to the SAR, President Steve called on Compatriot Dess Smith III for a special presentation. Smith presented the Sgt-at-Arms Dan Brown with 2 Chapter Flag Streamers, one for the Elijah Clarke Heroes of the Hornets' Nest event and one for the 245 Anniversary of the Battle at Kettle Creek. Compatriot Dess then introduced Compatriots Bernard Martin and Steve Burke to present their program on 'Artillery through the Ages and Black Powder Production.”

L to R: Compatriot Bernard Martin and Compatriot Steve Burke.

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