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and I’m telling you, these parents are growing weary. It’s not just my kid. I’ve told you that my kid is receiving [services] because I withheld her for several weeks and put up a good fight. But what about these other kids whose parents will not walk in here and face you? When are we going to care? When are all of you going to represent your districts and be the voice for the voiceless? I just cannot fathom why we are still fighting this fight. I don’t understand it.”

She concluded, “We need a leader in our SPED department. All of you know that, and I just pray that you really and sincerely put some thought into it.” Later in the meeting, the Board approved to change its Medicaid Billing Services to SES, which they believe will help them gain more funding for students with special needs. Board members also agreed to upgrade the school’s computer server to Cloud 59, which will cost $26,000.

Several personnel decisions were approved, including the hiring of Kaream Hess as the Montgomery County High School head football coach and an instructional specialist. Hess’s hiring was historic for the district, as he is the first person of racial minority to ever lead the Montgomery County Eagles football team.

Administrative positions were also approved, as the following individuals were transitioned into new roles: Kaneesha Love, District Response to Intervention (RTI) Coordinator; Amanda McCoy, Pre-K Director and Instructional Coach for grades kindergarten through 2nd; Candace Keen, Montgomery County Elementary School Principal; Eric Burns, Athletic Director and Alternative School Director.

Nicole Paulk was hired as a substitute teacher, and a resignation was accepted for current Coach and Special Education Teacher Colt Brantley.

The Board is continuing to meet weekly to conduct superintendent interviews, but has yet to fill the current position vacancy for the 2024-2025 school year.

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