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MCHS Falls To Atkinson

The Montgomery County High School Eagles baseball team battled with the Rebels of Atkinson County last week and came up just a bit short.

MCHS took the early lead with five runs in the top of the second inning. The Rebels picked up a run in the botttom of the frame, but then jumped on top with six runs in the bottom of the third inning to lead, 7-5.

The Eagles tied the game in the fourth inning with two more runs to make it 7-7, but one run from Atkinson put them back on top, 8-7 in the fifth. They added two more runs in the sixth inning on the way to a 10-7 win over the Eagles.

MCHS was led by Jay Harris, Joseph Owens, and Jayden Williams, each with two hits one the day. Williams also drove in two runs in the game.

This week MCHS start Region play as they have a three-game series with the Panthers of Portal. They played the first game on Tuesday after presstime. They will play a double header on Friday at Portal with the first game starting at 4:00 p. m.

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