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Vidalia Onion Pack Date Set

Vidalia Onions will be ready for purchase just in time for the Vidalia Onion Festival, as Georgia Agriculture Commissioner Tyler Harper has announced that the official pack date is set for April 17.

“In coordination with the Vidalia Onion Committee, I am incredibly excited to announce April 17, 2024, as the official pack date of the 2024 continued from page

Vidalia onion season,” Harper remarked. “Georgia Grown, Vidalia Onions are recognized around the globe for their iconic, sweet flavor that is treasured by culinary leaders and home chefs alike. This is an exciting time for Georgia farmers and consumers alike as we look forward to enjoying the sweet onion again!”

Vidalia Onion Committee Chairman Cliff Riner also spoke on the occasion. “For the 2024 season, we have 11,000 acres of Vidalia onions planted in the production area,” he shared. “Over the past few years, sweet onion sales have continued to increase, with Vidalia onions being a big part of the market. We're looking forward to another great season this year.” Each year, the Vidalia Onion Advisory committee meets to discuss the official pack date, which determines when the onions may be packaged and shipped to markets everywhere. This date varies based on soil and weather conditions, but is normally set around mid-April, as the season normally runs from April until October.

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