STUDENTS OF THE MONTH — J.D Dickerson Primary School has announced March Students of the Month. These students show their JDD Pride by being Responsible, Respectful, and Safe. (L to R): Back Row: Demarion Johnson, Raleigh Johnson, Danayelah Atkins, Rhett Adams, Greyson Smith, Destiny Hamilton, Kurtis Harrell; Middle Row: Ramsey Bryant, Bryleigh Turner, Ashton Mincey, Aliya Waring, Logan Brunson, Krimson Cady, Everleigh Lopez, Chase Johnson; Front Row: Royalti Johnson, Denisse Hernandez, Makayla Daniel, Trinity Ellis, Dallas Pinckney, and Toni Kate Dennis. Not pictured: Marc-Marc Kyles, Callia Boggs, Jesus Hernandez, and Jer’mere Bell.