Lane Lady of the Year, Bishop Man of the Year

Citizens and community leaders of Vidalia gathered at the Vidalia Community Center on Tuesday, April 16, to witness the presentation of the annual Lady and Man of the Year awards. This year, Angela Anders Lane and Brian Bishop took home the honors.
Lane was recognized first, as 2022 Lady of the Year Rebekah Arnold emphasized her awe and gratitude to Lane for her work in the community. “This year’s Lady of the Year is not originally from Toombs County, but she is from the South. When our lady arrived in Vidalia, she quickly adopted the town as her own and has contributed her fun personality and service for the enrichment of us all,” Arnold en- continued from page
thused. Lane has served in various aspects of the community, including on the United Way Campaign, Mercy Ministries Board of Directors, Greater Vidalia Leadership Selection Committee, Showcasing Greater Vidalia Board, REACH Program Board, in the 2023 Dancing For the Stars Competition, as a Vidalia Presbyterian Church elder, and more. Arnold also spoke highly of Lane’s encouragement for young musicians throughout the area, as she serves as a Vidalia High School Band Booster.
“She really has contributed her many talents, resources, and outgoing personality to her community well above and beyond her work in the legal field, where she has served for over 30 years,” Arnold remarked.
The presenter also highlighted Lane’s journey to Vidalia, as she explained it was love and chance that brought her to the area. “Angela was born in Seoul, South Korea, and was adopted by circus members who were stationed in Japan,” Arnold explained. She said that Lane’s family later moved to the United States, where Lane met her husband in Texas. After she and Charles were married, Charles met and was recruited by Vidalia native John Ladson to work at an oil company in the city, and the couple has lived locally ever since.
“Angela covers all the bases and more of contributing her outstanding character, her unique services, and her unselfish motivation toward loving us here, and improving the Vidalia community,” Arnold commented. “She embraces everyone she meets with her smile, her laugh, and her friendship — being the life of the party.”
Lane responded to the honor. “Well, I guess I’m speechless, which is a first. When we moved here in 1991, I knew my motherin- law and a few folks, but this community embraced us, made us feel welcome, and gave us a place to plug ourselves in. We got started and hit the ground running right away,” she shared. “This is the most kind and generous community to live in, and we’ve been here now for 30 years. This is home.”
She added, “I think it’s important to give back, to make where you live a better place, and to make it a place that your children and coming generations will want to stay, too, and continue to give back to. I am so grateful to so many of you.”
Man of the Year
Recognition for 2023 Man of the Year Brian Bishop followed Lane’s award presentation, as 2018 Man of the Year Zack Fowler introduced the honoree.
According to Fowler, Bishop has also been incredibly active in his community, as he has previously led a United Way campaign, volunteered at the Vidalia Onion Festival, been a Kiwanian for over 30 years, chaired the Vidalia Library Board, volunteered as a youth sports coach, and more. “He’s one of the most prolific fundraisers in Chamber history, as he set an all-time fundraising record as chair of the REACH program in 2021,” Fowler told the audience. “He chaired Chamber of Commerce golf tournaments, organized big ticket auction items for Showcasing Toombs and led it to record revenues as chairman, chaired the Chamber’s Adult Leadership Program and served as an advisor and mentor.”
Fowler continued, “He put his money where his mouth is with a $25,000 contribution as a member of the initial Meadows Foundation Board raising almost $3 million for the Cancer Center; and we all know someone among the thousands who have had their lives changed and saved by the doctors there. He knows elections have consequences, as he has served as campaign finance chairman for several city and county elected officials, and as County Chairman for Congressman Rick Allen’s Toombs County campaign.”
The presenter even highlighted Bishop’s willingness to participate in reverse beauty pageants and other events to raise money for local youth. “I know you will agree we would be hard-pressed to find a citizen who has been more active or productive as a volunteer in our community over the past 30 years,” Fowler concluded.
Bishop reacted to the award, as he shared, “Wow, I really don’t know what to say. I am overwhelmed and very humbled by this. I don’t want to sound like a broken record, but you have to love this community. People give so much and they always make it look so effortless. I don’t feel like I deserve any recognition, especially for doing something that I enjoy.”
He told the audience that it truly should be his family being recognized with the honor, as they had made his contributions possible. “They’ve put up with a lot from me over the years, but they’ve always stood behind me and encouraged me to do what I do,” Bishop emphasized.
He added, “I was a guy from Oak Park, and y’all made me feel welcomed and like I was a part of this community. You all made me realize that I was where I was meant to be, and that’s special.”
The Vidalia Lady and Man of the Year award ceremonies are held annually, and are sponsored by the Vidalia Rotary, Kiwanis, and Lions Clubs.