LETTERING IN SPECIAL OLYMPICS – Two Montgomery County High School Seniors accomplished a first in the school’s history, as they earned letterman jackets for their involvement in Special Olympics. The boys paid for their own jackets with money that they earned through their work at the Eagle Thrift Shop, and showed off the jackets at the Montgomery County Board of Education meeting on April 15. L to R: Montgomery County High School Special Education Teacher Rhonda Davidson, Clay Harbin, Superintendent Stan Rentz, Dakota Herber, Special Education Director Alicia Hartley.
LURAY SHARPE REID SCHOLARSHIP RECIPIENTS – Three high school seniors were honored with the Luray Sharpe Reid Scholarship on Saturday, April 27, at the last Tales from the
Altamaha performance of the season. These seniors earned this $1,000 scholarship each for dedicating four years of their lives – their entire high school experience – to performing in Tales from the Altamaha each Spring. L to R: Cast Member/Presenter Ray Patrick, Ben Bennett, Ansleigh Randolph, Grace Holt.
Photo by Daphne Walker