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day, which is totally political in character, the Civil Rights Movement was led by a charismatic and articulate Black pastor and had a religious, moral tone rooted in the Christian church.
Anyone that questions this should read, or reread, King’s “I Have a Dream” speech from 1963.
But King’s moral appeal was to an America very different than today.
In 1965, per Gallup, 70% of Americans said religion was personally “very important” to them. In 2023, by contrast, only 45% of Americans say religion is “very important.”
In 1962, per Gallup, 46% of Americans said they attended religious services over the last seven days.
In 2023, this was down to 32%.
During this period there were two major wars involving Israel and the surrounding Arab states.
In 1967, Israel prevailed in the Six-Day War, which began with preemptive action by Israel against the Egyptian army mobilized for attack, and subsequent aggression by Syria in the North and Jordan in the East. In 1973, Israel again prevailed against attacks on these same fronts.
In 1967, per Gallup, 45% of Americans supported Israel against 4% who supported the Arab states, with 26% with no opinion. In 1973, 48% of Americans expressed support for Israel versus 6% expressing support for the Arab states and 24% with no opinion.
Support for Israel among Americans during this period was one-sided and clear.
But, again, America today is very, very different.
Our young people in the 1960s understood what personal responsibility is about.
On a national level, in the 1960s, all young Americans faced the reality of military conscription. Today, regarding national obligation and service, there are virtually no demands on our youth.
Now President Joe Biden is even erasing their student loan obligations.
On a religious, moral level, religion then held a much stronger hold on the nation. Religion teaches and inspires a culture where individuals have a sense they belong to and have obligation to something beyond their own egotistical inclinations.
Nature abhors a vacuum, and as religion has weakened and disappeared from our culture, it has been replaced by politics and the welfare state.
The end of it all is we now have a generation of youth insulated from all sense of national and religious and moral personal responsibility.
So now they demonstrate in support of terrorists and against the only free country in the Middle East that shares the very values that made our own country great.
Star Parker is president of the Center for Urban Renewal and Education and host of the weekly television show “Cure America with Star Parker.” Her recent book, “What Is the CURE for America?” is available now. To find out more about Star Parker and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website at www.creators. com. COPYRIGHT 2024 CREATORS. COM
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