Vidalia High School Names 2024 Val & Sal
During the Senior Honors Night on Thursday, May 16, Vidalia High School officially announced Bralie Carey and Sukumar Paidi as the school’s 2024 Valedictorian and Salutatorian.
Valedictorian Bralie Carey is the daughter of Haley Carey and Heath continued from page
Hart, and the late Jeffery Carey. She has attended Vidalia City Schools since 1st grade and has been highly active in the schools’ activities, including Softball (4 years), HOSA (4 years), Future Business Leaders of America (4 years), Beta Club (3 years), National Honor Society (3 years), Student Government (1 year), Basketball (2 years), and Golf(1 year). In addition to this, Carey is the founder of the Joy Mission, has received a scholarship from Altamaha EMC to attend the upcoming Georgia EMC Washington Youth Tour this summer, and was named a finalist at the Future Business Leaders of America state conference, which earned her a spot in the national competition this summer.
On Senior Honors Night, Carey was awarded 9 scholarships – the Altamaha EMC Foundation Scholarship, Altamaha Waller Harrison Scholarship, Ray Fuller Memorial Scholarship, Dr. Larry Smith Scholarship, Friend of Mayor Ronnie Dixon Scholarship, Carolyn T. Bond Memorial Scholarship, Mary Beth Tapley Memorial Scholarship, and Vidalia HOSA Scholarship — totaling $7,500, in addition to the state Zell Miller Scholarship, which will completely fund her college tuition. She also will be receiving a Valedictorian scholarship in the future.
“It feels surreal to achieve a goal I’ve dreamed about since I was a little girl. I made a promise to myself and my late father that I would receive this honor and now that I finally have, I am excited to continued from page
further my education and start my career,” she shared. “I am filled with a sense of realization that anything is possible if you work hard and the trials in life just make you stronger.”
Carey continued, “I would like to thank my family but most importantly my mother and sister. Without them I would not be where I am today. Whether it be a reassuring hug when tensions were high or late nights helping me study and make note cards, they were there. My mom has single handedly raised two girls, and I will forever be grateful for all of her sacrifices and love. I would also like to thank my dad for being my guardian angel and my motivation all these years. I hope I continue to make you proud! Lastly and most importantly, I want to thank God for blessing me with support and strength throughout my high school journey! Nothing is possible without him.”
When asked if she had any advice for underclassmen, the Valedictorian shared, “High school will be full of great memories and fun but also difficult times and stressful situations. Keep a level head and work hard because this time in your life is important and sets the tone for your future. Be kind to others and lean on God in your times of need. You can do anything if you stay determined and truly want to succeed.”
Salutatorian Sukumar Paidi is the son of son of Dr. Ramachandra and Hamsaveni Paidi. He has attended Vidalia City Schools every year of his academic career except one, and has been highly active inside and outside the classroom, participating in Tennis, Chess, Technology Student Association, SkillsUSA, HOSA, Future Business Leaders of America, BETA Club, National Honor Society, and Student Government Association. Paidi has also seen great success in his extracurricular and academic activities, making it to the Sweet Sixteen state playoff for Tennis, placing 2nd in the SkillsUSA competition, earning 1st place in the Future Business Leaders of America competition, placing 4th and 5th in high school chess tournaments, maintaining Arrow Honor Roll throughout high school, and graduating with honors with distinction.
“It feels amazing to receive this honor as it reflects all the work I have put in during my 4 years in high school,” he remarked. “I would like to thank my parents for fostering my development.”
When asked if he had any advice for underclassmen, Paidi shared, “Be thankful for the opportunities that you have as there are thousands of people in the world that don’t have what you have.”
The Vidalia High School Class of 2024 will turn their tassels at a graduation ceremony at Buck Cravey Field at 7:30 p.m. on Friday, May 24.
VHS Salutatorian Sukumar Paidi