VPD & VFD Host Public Safety - Awards

VPD & VFD Host Public Safety
Police officers and firemen came together to honor several of their colleagues at the annual Vidalia Public Safety Awards on Friday, May 17. The Fire Department issued several honors, including Firefighter of the Year, which was given to Apparatus Operator Kristopher Owens. Firefighter Jason Lumley took home the Volunteer of the Year award, while newcomer Landon Titus was named Rookie of the Year. Captain Robert Phelps was continued from page
named Fire Officer of the Year, and Firefighter Wesley Ward received the Chief’s Axe of Honor. Sandwiche Shoppe Owner Amy Robertson was also recognized with a Community Partnership Award.
As for the Vidalia Police Department, Tammy Peacock was named the Employee of the Year, while Officer Skyler Jackson was named Rookie of the Year. Sergeant Kelsey Coursey took home the Supervisor of the Year award, and Christy Varnadoe was presented with the Chief ’s Award. Lieutenant Shannon Martin received two awards, as she was honored with both the Officer of the Year and Instructor of the Year. Corporal Rodney Bruce was given the Lifesaving Award, and Captain Garry Colson took home the Top Gun Award, shooting a perfect 300 throughout the year. Sergeant Kelsey Coursey was also recognized for her artillery skills, receiving the Expert Rifle Award. Lieutenant John Humphrey was acknowledged with an Education Award in honor of completing his Bachelor of Criminal Justice degree from Georgia Southern University.
Sabboris Johnson, Madge Collins, Corporal Dwayne Carpenter, Lieutenant John Humphrey, and even Chief James Jermon were all thanked for their service and support of the Police Department, as they were each given an Award of Appreciation.
The Departments host this awards ceremony annually, as they honor the hard work which the men and women complete with the Vidalia public service departments. Both Chief Brian Sikes and Chief James Jermon stated that this is one of their favorite events of the year, as it brings recognition to those who work and give to others without expecting anything in return.