Election Results

Toombs County Sheriff’s Office Captain Jordan Kight and Lyons Police Chief Wesley Walker faced off for the Republican Candidacy for Sheriff on Tuesday, May 21. Ultimately, Kight walked away with the victory and the candidacy.
A total of 725 votes separated Kight and Walker, as Kight received 2,158 votes continued from page
(60.09%) to Walker’s 1,433 votes (39.91%). Kight will now go on to face Toombs County Sheriff’s Office Sergeant Rodney Wardlaw (I) for the position in November.
Anna Wommack Holcombe came out victorious in the race for the Toombs County Tax Commiss i o n e r ’s seat, as she took home 2 , 3 7 7 votes ( 66.84%) and opp onent Jeandra Johnson earned 1,179 votes (33.16%). Holcombe will begin her new role in January 2025.
Incumbent Coroner Ronald V. Hall was reelected to office in a landslide victory, as he received 3,148 votes (87.74%) to opponent Kyle Wilkes’s 440 votes (12.26%).
Toombs County Commissioner Darriel Nobles will continue his role in District 3, as he defeated his opponent Daniel Caraway, who earned 428 votes (38.08%) to Nobles's 696 votes (61.92%).
Amy Vassey
Kandi Day Purvis
Glenn Giles
Darriel Nobles