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Stevens Signs With Shorter

Stevens Signs With Shorter
Erick Stevens and his family as he signs his letter of intent to Shorter University.Photo by TCHS
Stevens Signs With Shorter
Erick Stevens and his family as he signs his letter of intent to Shorter University.Photo by TCHS

Courtesy of TCHS

On Tuesday, May 14, Erick Stevens signed his letter of intent to continue cheering at the collegiate level. Erick will be joining the Shorter Hawks Cheer program.

Coach Tilly Christian said, “We are excited for Erick to continue his cheerleading career at Shorter. He is joining an amazing cheer program where he will grow his talent even more and experience a different level of cheerleading. He has worked hard to get to this point, and we could not be prouder of this achievement. He will represent Toombs County well at the next level.

“We would like to congratulate Erick on this exciting accomplishment and wish him all the best at Shorter!”

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