Montgomery County Offering Kids Free Snacks & Learning Materials
The Montgomery County Recreation Department and Board of Commissioners will be offering free snacks and educational materials to the County’s youth throughout the next three weeks.
These provisions are a result of the Georgia Recreation and Park Association (GRPA) Building Opportunities in Out of School Time (BOOST) Grant, which strives to provide afterschool summer enrichment programming that supports students in learning skills while also removing nonacademic barriers to learning for the students most impacted by the COVID pandemic.
The program began last week, and has already seen a lot of success. “We had a great first day with our BOOST Program,” Montgomery County Recreation Director Kendall Bennamon shared. “We had 16 children present, ranging from ages four to 13. The kids were given a meal, as well as an extensive educational setting that focused on listening. They learned that we listen with our whole body.”
He continued, “Each day will focus on a different life skill. We are giving our children the tools to overcome obstacles, and I am extremely grateful and excited about this opportunity for the children of Montgomery County.”
Other topics covered throughout the first week of the program included fairness, coping skills, and self control, which were taught by Bennamon to the kids through discussion and a variety of outdoor activities.
Upon arrival, kids will sign in inside the Montgomery County Senior Center at the J.M. Fountain Park on West Morrison Street in Mount Vernon. Sign-in must be from 2 until 4 p.m. each day. The remaining dates for this event are June 3-7, and June 10-14. For more information contact the Montgomery County Board of Commissioners Office at (912) 583-2363.