Sons of American Revolution Recognize Local Heroes
The Four Rivers Sons of the American Revolution chapter have been working to recognize those who serve in outstanding ways in the community for several weeks, and recently ended their tribute by honoring two local heroes.
Toombs County Sheriff's Deputy Lieu –
tenant Wallace Thomp – son was recognized by the Chapter for his char –
acter traits which mir – ror those of the chapter members' ancestors. "The local chapter of the Sons of the Ameri – can Revolution is proud to recognize a member of our community who reflects the qualities that were exemplified by our Revolutionary War ancestors," Chap –
ter President Steve De – Weil remarked. "The willingness to put one's self in harm's way for the good of others sets an example of courage and bravery that this community should be proud of. It is a quality that our organization wishes to recognize." Thompson was presented with the rec –
ognition and a com – memorative certificate at the Sheriff's office, where Captain Jordan Kight and Coroner/fel – low Chapter members Ronald Hall witnessed the event. In addition, the chapter honored Vidalia Firefighter John Wesley Ward with a similar rec –
ognition for his dedica – tion to the community. DeWeil echoed his mes –
sage to Thompson dur – ing the presentation, as he explained, "The will – ingness to put one's self in harm's way for the good of others sets an example of courage and bravery that the mem – bers of this community should be proud of." These recognitions marked the end of the Chapter's yearly cam – paign to honor those within the community who devote themselves to serving the area.
RECOGNIZING SELF SACRIFICE – Vidalia Firefighter John Wesley Ward was recognized for his self sacrifice to the community. L to R: Chapter Vice President Joel Kenner, Firefighter John Wesley Ward, Chapter President Steve DeWeil.