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Your Mind - ONLINE

Your Mind

Got a complaint? Got a compliment? Call Your Mind On Line at 537-6397 and let us know what’s on your mind. Quotes are printed exactly as they are called in and are not necessarily factual, but rather, callers’ opinions. Libelous, slanderous, personal attacks, and unfounded accusatory or lengthy comments will not be printed. Two calls per week per caller, and calls should not exceed 30 seconds, please.

“In response to the Letter to the Editor, I don’t know what cream puff street Mr. Holman lives on, but the rest of the city is dodging trash piles around here trying to get to work. Trash on our street hasn’t been picked up since the storm. I don’t know where he’s living wanting to praise the city for getting the trash up, because it sure isn’t up over here.”

“Our American soldiers went to foreign lands, fought and died to keep this country safe. Now here it is, the Biden administration throwed open our borders, put the word out, come and get it. America is up for grabs. What a shame.”

“If nobody don’t like the Vidalia Indians, why not call them the Vidalia Blue Angels. That ought to be happy with them.”

“Calling Pentecostal preachers to fill in for Baptist churches, I wonder why.”

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