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LETTERS TO THE EDITOR... - Thank You to The Advance — In Their Own Words


Editor’s Note: This is in the writer’s own words, unedited or changed.

Hey, I want to take this time out to tell you all whom writes up the “Vidalia Advance papers,” thank you for your wonderful newspaper that people can read, feel like they are home folks. Enjoy what they read and everything seems so real and is affordable that they can spend their money on things, people, education, politics, even the good old farm lives, parks, churches, schools, towns and communities, like Vidalia Higgston where I where born and raised on old Conner Farm house and dairy like it seems like they do not make any more. Good old days of sitting on front porches, shelling peas, shelling butterbeans and shucking corn. Wow. Those were good old days and everything where not the price they are today. Heck, I get 10 cents in my hands I could run and get a cold soda with that. Now it is nearly $2.00 just for one cold drinks.

Since I am talking about prices well Vidalia Advance price is right. Thank God for my reading and half blinding can not see. But can still read every word of my Bible and a good old newspaper to go along with it. When I were a child growing up. Every Sunday morning before church, Daddy would go buy the Atlanta newspaper. Or either the Macon Telegraph; I do not know what happen to them either: I guess they went so high — no one can buy them — or they might be quit making them I do not know: I just want to say thanks Advance for all your great readings, and work you all put into it with a good old price that is affordable. Keep your good work up. May God bless you all. Thanks, Ms. Jeannett Williams, Collins, GA

To the Editor: I would like to give a huge shout out to the Nelle Brown Library in Lyons.

My aunt, cousin and I have been taking our grandchildren to the Summer Reading programs and events.

Our grandchildren have thoroughly enjoyed these events and so have we!

The library staff does an amazing job. If you have not participated in these events, you are missing out. It’s free, fun and educational.

As an avid reader myself, I am glad that we have a local library to encourage kids to read.

Thanks to our local library and staff who work hard to make our library a fun and exciting adventure.

Keep up the good work. Thanks again, Joy Weaver, Lyons, GA

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