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A compilation of quotations on a variety of issues by national, state and regional writers, well-known personalities, just plain everyday people and from various publications collected by the editors of THE ADVANCE.

Quotes for our Times:

Matt Vespa, Senior Editor at Townhall. com: After this failed program, does anything *work* in Joe Biden's America?

And yes, there’s DEI nonsense in a bill trying to boost internet access for the rural poor. It’s no wonder why Biden isn’t touting this on this already thin sheet of legislative accomplishments. It’s in purgatory. Does anything in Biden’s America work? Planes are nearly crashing in airports nationwide; trains are derailing, there are no EV charging stations, and now no Internet.

Byron York, chief political correspondent for The Washington Examiner: Measuring the Trump conviction factor in the 2024 race.

For months, we have seen polls suggesting that a small number of voters who might be inclined to vote for Trump would reconsider, or decide that they will not vote for him, if he is convicted of a felony. Now he has been found guilty on 34 felony counts. As has been written here many times, the case against Trump was weak and politically motivated. But guided by a prosecutor who pledged to pursue Trump, a judge who is a donor to Biden and top Biden Justice Department official who joined the prosecution for purpose of trying Trump, a jury in deep-blue Manhattan convicted Trump on all counts. Perhaps that will be overturned on appeal long after the election. Perhaps not. But the next decision in the case will be made by voters.

Rebecca Downs, Web Editor at Townhall. com: Biden suffers another brain fart when announcing amnesty plan.

In his more lucid moments, Biden bragged about his plan supposedly being popular and engaged in quite the gaslighting of the American people's concerns with illegal immigrations, including those who are victims of violent crimes by such people.

Biden noted 'the action I'm announcing today,' which he's tellingly doing through a unilateral executive order, is 'overwhelmingly supported by the American people, no matter what the other team says.'

It's worth reminding that a major takeaway of the CBS News/YouGov America poll released last week had to do with how 62 percent of voters support mass deportations of illegal immigrants. As far as 'what the other team says,' the CBS News writeup also highlighted it's not even a partisan issue.

Leah Barkoukis, online features editor at Here's which state just became the first in the nation to require 10 Commandments posted in classrooms.

Louisiana Gov. Jeff Landry signed a bill into law on Wednesday requiring the 10 Commandments be posted in all school classrooms, making the Pelican State the first in the nation to do so.

The law requires a poster-size display of the 10 Commandments in “large, easily readable font” in all public classrooms in the state, from elementary school up to the university level.

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