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continued from page July, I ….

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July, I begin to experience pangs of regret that it came to an end.

Seeing the best golfers in the world playing the famous venues in Scotland and England (and lately, Portrush, Ireland), and bringing about the best in competitive drama is something that is never taken for granted. There is so much more to experience. Europe in summer has a sports calendar that simply overwhelms. Beginning with the French Tennis Open at Roland Garros in Paris the first of June, there is a big event or more each month through the end of July.

Following Roland Garros, there is the Henley Regatta, and Wimbledon with the Tour de France lasting for three weeks, starting around the first of July. The Open championship takes place the third week in July; and if you are up for it, you probably can squeeze in a day at the “Feast of San Fermin” the first week in July, you know, running with the Bulls at Pamplona.

The third week in July is for the playing of the world’s oldest golf championship, the Open which, like Wimbledon, has the ultimate in tradition and history.

If you have the good fortune to spend June and July at these exciting venues, give priority to getting to know the people and bend an elbow with them. You won’t regret that you came their way.

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