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Christmas Day is the most popular day to get engaged. According to the 2020 WeddingWire Newlywed Report, more couples who were married in 2019 got engaged on Christmas Day than any other day during the year. Christmas Eve was the second most popular day to pop the question, while the Sunday before Christmas Eve came in fourth (New Year's Day rounded out the top three).

The appeal of Christmastime proposals helped make December the most popular month to get engaged, as more than 19 percent of couples who married in 2019 got engaged in the final month of the year. July proved the second most popular month to pop the question, as 9 percent of couples who wed in 2019 reported getting engaged in July. Tradition still has a place in wedding proposals, as 84 percent of proposers reported asking on bended knee, while 65 percent acknowledged asking parents' permission prior to popping the question.

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