STC Emergency Services Honoring One of Their Own

Courtesy of Southeastern Technical College
Laurie Holland, a paramedic and Montgomery County Coroner, served years as an adjunct instructor at STC, teaching EMS Education. Her students and colleagues standing beside her in battling a newly diagnosed medical condition reflect the strong bonds and respect she has earned in her accomplished roles. Lou Gehrig's disease, or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), affects one's control of muscle movement.
The class echoed their love and sentiment for Laurie as they lovingly purchased shirts to support her. As Laurie's family has requested, the class is sending their group photo to Laurie through social media to encourage Laurie throughout this challenging time.
'EMS is a family, and Laurie exemplifies that,' said Tony Villegas. 'She has dedicated her entire life to this profession and taking care of others. She went so far as becoming an elected official in Montgomery County as a coroner. She does what she loves. She is compas- continued from page
sionate about patient care and doing the right thing. That's why she also became a teacher and decided she wanted to precept students. This is why she's so hard on us in school and when we're working with her on the truck,' said Villegas.
Nik Stevens added that he worked a cardiac arrest call one evening with Holland. 'She kept the scene the most relaxed as any call I've ever worked. She just has that nature about her,' said Stevens. 'Everything with her is done exactly how it's supposed to be done.'
'By far, one of the best paramedics that Toombs EMS has ever had,' said Morgan Dyal. 'She puts up with no drama around the station. She would address any issue and confront the situation head-on to find resolve,' said Alyssa Mosley. 'She is the most honest person I've ever known.'
Laurie was a student at STC herself. She graduated with a Paramedic Technology Diploma and an EMT Certificate of Credit.
STC Director of Emergency Services Education Mike Young said, 'She started off my EMS career as an instructor, giving me the skillset and knowledge needed as a provider. She's been a huge resource and mentor for me to follow in her footsteps in EMS education.'
Laurie Holland