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A compilation of quotations on a variety of issues by national, state and regional writers, well-known personalities, just plain everyday people and from various publications collected by the editors of THE ADVANCE.

Quotes for our Times:

Mia Cathell, reporter for Townhall focusing on fact-checking and investigative stories: Trump's Georgia case delayed until after the election.

Trump's defense counsel will argue for Willis's removal on appeal before a threejudge panel. According to the court order, those judges, randomly selected by computer, are all GOP-appointed. They are Trenton Brown, who was appointed by former Georgia GOP Gov. Nathan Deal; Todd Markle, another Deal appointee; and Benjamin Land, who was appointed by current Republican Gov. Brian Kemp. The trio will likely be deliberating Willis's fate in the new year, barring any changes to the court calendar.

Byron York, chief political correspondent for The Washington Examiner: Donald Trump and the J.D. Vance calculation.

Vance's Appalachian background and Marine experience might well help Trump expand his already-strong working-class appeal. Vance told Hannity that Trump specifically mentioned the possibility that Vance would help the ticket win the crucial states of Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin. If Vance can do that, even in just one of those states, he will very likely be the next vice president of the United States.

Gregg Jarrett, Fox News legal analyst and commentator: Trump's classified docs case dismissal is a rebuke of Biden's out-ofcontrol DOJ.

The erosion of Jack Smith’s misbegotten prosecutions represents an important course correction in the increasingly abusive tactics employed by President Joe Biden’s Justice Department and his sycophantic attorney general. These cases, as well as those brought by local district attorneys in New York and Georgia, were always politically driven and legally anemic persecutions designed to delegitimize Trump’s electoral chances.

David Marcus, columnist and author: The Secret Service in shambles reveals a White House where the buck stops nowhere.

We all know that people make mistakes, and that sometimes people just aren’t good at their job. If that person is an office manager or barista, we'll all survive. When your job is to keep the leader of the free world breathing, you don’t get to make oopsies.

Now would be a good time to start changing all that, for Biden to summon his inner Harry Truman, and say the buck does stop with him, and that he does have the backbone to let people go when their incompetence puts America and the lives of its citizens at risk.

But we all know very well that that isn’t going to happen. Once again, there will be no consequences, no transparency, and no accountability, just the same shameful pat on the back, and you’ll do better next time we always see.

America deserves much, much better than this. Corey Comperatore, who was murdered under the not-so watchful eye of the Secret Service certainly does, as did the three other victims, including Trump.

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