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Lyons Lions Club Hosts Distinguished Guest

Lyons Lions Club Hosts  Distinguished Guest
PID Kembra Smith
Lyons Lions Club Hosts  Distinguished Guest
PID Kembra Smith

Courtesy of Lyons Lions Club

On Tuesday, July 23, 2024, the Lyons Lions Club had the honor of welcoming Past International Director (PID) Kembra Smith as a guest speaker. PID Kembra, a dedicated North Dekalb Lions Club member, proud Progressive Melvin Jones Fellow, and an esteemed inductee of the District 18-I Hall of Fame, shared her remarkable insights and experiences with the club. Her visit showcased the club's commitment to the Lions Club mission, which she exemplifies through her unwavering dedication.

Lions International, a global organization with 1.34 million members, is governed by an International President, three International Vice Presidents, and a Board of International Directors. PID Kembra served as one of the 34 International Directors on this board from July 2014 to June 2016. Her journey to this prestigious role included positions as her local Lions Club President, District Governor, and Council Chair of Multiple District 18 (MD-18), encompassing the entire state of Georgia.

In addition to her service on the International Board, PID Kembra has contributed significantly as the chair of the Constitution and Bylaws committee for Lions International, MD-18, and her home District 18-I. She also served on the Governance Committee for the Georgia Lions Camp for the Blind. PID Kembra is a certified instructor for Lions International's Advanced and Emerging Lions Leadership Institutes (ALLI and ELLI) and a certified Guiding Lion, aiding new or struggling clubs.

Her leadership roles extend to being the past chair of the Georgia Lions Lighthouse Foundation and participating in numerous other committees. PID Kembra's accolades include: President's Awards awards and certificates • e Ervin-Crumley Award, MD-18's most prestigious honor PID Kembra Smith resides in Decatur, Georgia, where she maintains a private law practice specializing in immigration law. The Lyons Lions Club extends heartfelt thanks to PID Kembra for her inspiring visit and her steadfast commitment to the Lions Club's values and mission.

• Lions International Ambassador of Goodwill Award • Six International • Multiple leadership

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