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RTCA 2024-2025 Dress Code

RTCA students represent the excellence and expectations of our school through their personal appearance. At RTCA, we expect a student’s first priority to be learning; therefore, he or she should dress accordingly. The school administration reserves the right to judge what is and what is not appropriate. RTCA reserves the right to change, alter or amend this policy at any time at its discretion. Adherence to the dress code is expected while on the RTCA campus. Appropriate dress is expected at all school functions and all athletic events. On some occasions, students may be prohibited from wearing certain clothing, such as shorts, and asked to dress in a manner suitable to the occasion. Students should be clean, neat, and modestly attired. Students are discouraged from wearing precious jewelry or unusually expensive clothing during the regular school day. Field trips and other special events may require particular attire.

RTCA prohibits students from wearing any type of political attire while on school campus or during any school activities. This includes hats, shirts, outerwear, flags, bandanas, buttons, or any other viewable articles that may be seen by others. RTCA also prohibits any student from wearing articles of clothing representing or depicting any K-12 school system other than Robert Toombs Christian Academy.

K4-5th Grade

Teaching the importance of dressing in an appropriate manner begins in the elementary grades. Therefore, no wild fads or clothing of questionable tastes should be worn. Modesty should be stressed, and the appropriateness for the situation/ season/activity observed.

• Students in 4th and 5th are not allowed to wear yoga pants, leggings, jeggings, etc., as pants.

These items may be worn under a dress that would be an appropriate length without the leggings.

• (ese items may be worn by students in grades K3-3rd grade, but only with appropriate length (mid thigh) tops.

6th–12th Grade

• Shorts – Shorts may be worn by all students.

Shorts must be no shorter than six inches above the top of the knee. Shorts must be hemmed, not cutoff or unraveled. Gym shorts are not allowed.

All shorts must be worn at waist area and will not droop below the undergarment. Students are allowed to put leggings under athletic shorts during the colder months.

• Pants – Pants or shorts that sag are not allowed. Sweatpants are not allowed. Leggings will be allowed for female students as long as the shirt reaches the child’s finger tips. Clothes shall be sufficient to conceal undergarments at all times. Blue jeans may be worn. They shall not be excessively baggy or frayed. Distressed or torn jeans/pants are allowed as long as no skin is showing above the knee or undergarments are showing. Jeans with holes above the knee will need to have leggings underneath so no skin is showing. All pants will be worn at waist area and will not drop below the undergarment.

• Skirts/Dresses – Dresses and skirts will be hemmed, not cutoff or unraveled. Dresses and skirts must be no shorter than six inches above the top of the knee. Leggings are allowed under dresses/skirts.

• Tops – (Males and Females) Necklines shall be modest and shall not be low cut in the front or back. All tops shall be long enough to cover midriffs while standing and sitting.

No bare midriffs will be allowed in front or back. Extreme clothing styles such as very tight garments, see-through or fishnet fabrics, cut-off shirts, halter tops, tank tops, sleeveless, cold shoulder, off the shoulder or low-cut tops, and spaghetti straps are prohibited. Tops shall be fitted so that they do not “accidently” fall off the shoulders.

• Males – Male stu dents are required to wear a belt daily. Male students must have their shirttails tucked in at all times unless the student is wearing a noncollared t-shirt.

• Shoes – Shoes must be worn at all times. Casual shoes, dress shoes, tennis shoes, and sandals are appropriate. Nice flip flops or slides will be allowed.

• Caps/Hats – (Males and Females) Caps/hats are not permitted during school hours. Caps/hats are permitted when attending after school athletic events. Males are not permitted to wear bandanas or headbands outside of athletic events.

• Hair – Male students should maintain neat haircuts that are not extreme in length or style. Hair should not be longer than the bottom of the ear on the sides, below the eyebrows, or longer than the collar of a collared shirt.

Longer hair tucked behind the ears is acceptable. Hair should be kept neat and combed and should not draw excessive attention to individuals. Unnatural hairstyles or color are not permitted if it does not meet specifications outlined in explanation of “Hair” even if it’s a fad or trend in today’s society.

No facial hair is permitted.

Male students are prohibited from wearing ponytails or buns. Girls are not to bleach or dye their hair any unnatural color or have any extreme, nontraditional hair style.

• Body Piercing and TaGoos – (Males and Fe males) No students shall have tattoos or body piercing on any parts of the body that are visible at any time. Male students are not permitted to wear earrings at school or any school function. Girls are allowed to have appropriate earrings.

• Physical Education – Physical education attire should be worn only during PE classes for grades 6-12. Students must wear tennis shoes at PE.

• School Sponsored Activities – Teachers/ coaches/sponsors may define appropriate dress for school sponsored activities. Approved RTCA team sport uniforms will be allowed when worn for approved school events and scheduled activities.

Chapel Dress Code Chapel Dress attire for girls: • Girls are required to wear ‘Sunday’s best’.

This includes khakis, capris, dress pants, dresses, skirt/skort, leggings under dresses, dressy sandals, flats, wedges or heels. No jean/denim fabric of any color.

• Form Ging tunic/ dresses, t-shirts (band, quote, athletic, etc.), ripped jeans/leggings and athletic tennis shoes will not be allowed.

• All clothing must meet school dress code for length of garments.

Chapel Dress attire for boys in grades 1-5 • Collared shirt, Navy Blue or Khaki shorts or pants. No flip flops will be allowed.

Chapel Dress attire for Boys in grades 6-12 • Collared shirt and Navy Blue or Khaki pants or shorts and a belt. No flip flops will be allowed.

Athletic Event Dress Code . Studentathletestraveling to their athletic event should dress in school logo team attire. Coaches will inform their teams as to what the traveling team attire will be for the season. Students will wear the required attire while traveling and entering into another school.

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