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While he did not have to go off to war, he was cleared to play football, which was pretty much his decision. He lettered in 43-44-45, a three-time All-SEC lineman. He had an outstanding year for the Bulldogs as a senior in 1945 as the Allies gained the upper hand in bringing the war to a close with Germany and Japan.

Interestingly, Mike was chosen All-America in 1945 by the International News Service, Orlean’s employer, but she says she did not influence the wire service’s decision.

“All his teammates accused me of getting him recognized, but I was not able to do that. I was happy that he made All-America, which was a great honor. I think he deserved it, but he didn’t get any help from me.”

“Coach Mike,” as he was called, became one of the most beloved personalities in history of Bulldog athletics, but he was best known over the state for his work with the Athens Y camp at Tallulah Falls. He was so popular and well known that his friends felt that, if he ran for governor, he would have been a cinch at the ballot box.

Every home game Saturday, you will find her in Sanford Stadium, cheering the “Dogs/ Dawgs,” and never fussing about the weather. She, along with her daughters Mary and Helen, and son Mike, show up “rain or shine.”

“We really like the night games,” she says, “I was happy to see them name the field for Coach (Vince) Dooley. He made arrangements for us to keep our tickets, and we will always be grateful for that.”

While she did not say so, her favorite song probably is Bob Hope’s popular anthem, “Thanks for the memories.” She has enjoyed countless memories in her lifetime— one of them being a phone call to the entertainer while working at INS. “There was a rumor that he had been in a plane crash in the Tampa area, and I was advised by an editor to ‘find out.’ So, I got him on the phone and asked him. He laughed and said, ‘No, I am sitting here, enjoying talking to you.’” Now that she has reached the century milestone, she says, “I think I’ll go for two hundred.” Don’t bet against her. I hope she makes it, and also hope I’ll be there to interview her.

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