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MCBOE Proposes New Budget, Plans to Dip into General Fund

The Montgomery County Board of Education unanimously voted to advertise its proposed budget which is anticipated to utilize funding from the Board’s General Fund. The decision was made during a called meeting on Monday, July 29.

According to the proposed budget, the Board expects there will be $672,129.25 more in expenses than revenue coming into the school system, causing the school to utilize money from the $6 million General Fund to help pay for the school year.

This year’s estimated revenues total $17,255,523,00, whereas revenues totaled $17,269,167.44 last year.

The difference in these revenues is slight, as most of the school’s funding remains the same; the school will receive the same amount of ad valorem taxes ($3,490,000) and Special Local Option Sales Tax (SPLOST) as last year. There were also increases in revenue in several areas, as the Little Eagle Learning Center is expected to bring in $25,842 more; the school is expected to receive $177,000 more in local funding; the state Quality Basic Education funding is expected to increase by $1,106,303; and an additional $25,765 is expected for the pre-k lottery funding.

A $847,525 decrease is also expected in federal sources of funding.

A large increase in expenditures is also anticipated this year, as the total projected amount to be spent is $17,927,652.25; expenditures totaled $17,269,167.44 last year.

This increase of expenditures comes from multiple increases in several areas, including: • An increase of $287,136 for improvement of instructional services • An increase of $125,453 for general administration costs • An increase of $1,037 for business support services • An increase of $201,817 for maintenance and operations costs • An increase of $71,626 for student services costs • An increase of $51,607 for transfers • An additional bud get item, noted as “Support Services – Other” was also added to the list of school expenditures, and totals $247,906.

Several decreases were also listed in the expenditures, including: • A decrease of $71,585 for pupil services • A decrease of $11,276 for school administration • A decrease of $376,519 for student transportation • A decrease of $20,911 for school nutrition • A decrease of $20,000

for debt services The district plans to hear the public’s thoughts and concerns on the budget during hearings at noon on Friday, August 9, and Tuesday, August 13. The budget will be officially voted on at 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, August 13.

A few personnel changes were also approved during the called meeting on Monday, July 29, as Kayla Cheek was hired as a substitute teacher and Jennifer Brantley was transferred from being a substitute bus driver to a full-time bus driver. The supplement list for teachers, advisors, and coaches was also authorized during this meeting.

Another called meeting was held on Thursday, August 2, during which resignations were accepted for Derek Lee, Amanda Odom, and Cashaunda Smith.

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