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Your Mind - ONLINE


Your Mind

Got a complaint? Got a compliment? Call Your Mind On Line at 537-6397 and let us know what’s on your mind. Quotes are printed exactly as they are called in and are not necessarily factual, but rather, callers’ opinions. Libelous, slanderous, personal attacks, and unfounded accusatory or lengthy comments will not be printed.

Two calls per week per caller, and calls should not exceed 30 seconds, please.

“It’s sad Kamala had to get a rapper shaking her butt on a stage just to draw a crowd. That’s the democratic party for ya.”

“Who sends out a memo to all the liberal social media and news networks with the next buzzword to call conservatives? This month the word is ‘weird.’” “Kamala has finally figured out how to draw large crowds: make a speech at a rapper concert.”

“To all the thoughtful servers, attendants, custodians, associates, and employees who smile and say kind things as they assist us daily: Thank you so much for sharing your smiles and kind words with us.”

“The core people of the Montgomery County Concerned Citizens are truly vindictive and bitter people. I know because I have attended 2 of their meetings. They threw unfounded accusations at everyone involved in our local government. All county citizens should attend at least 1 meeting to see the hate for yourselves.”

“Why would Vidalia City Schools wait until the first day teachers report back to pave the parking lots? Also, rooms aren’t assigned yet. Who is running this show?”

“They say I’m weird. Well, I’d rather be weird than be like Pelosi, Schumer, Harris, Biden and the rest of them to the left. Being they like the left so much, why don’t they go all the way to the left till they hit the Pacific and keep going till they hit China. That’s where they all belong.”

“I can’t for the life of me figure out how teaching generation after generation of people to become more and more dependent on handouts is helping anyone.”

“I think it’s time we start looking for a new mayor in Vidalia. You’re supposed to support your town.”

“I don’t know who you are, but you are wrong about PBS and NPR. If you listened or watched more often, you would realize that they attempt to give fair and unbiased news from both sides, so we need to contribute and not keep money from them.”

“Not a good look when the mayor and former school board member of Vidalia moves his kids to Toombs County schools rather than Vidalia Schools. There’s either something wrong with the Vidalia City school system or there is something wrong with the mayor.”

“What a slap in the face that the Vidalia mayor would send his kids to a different schools system. Absolutely unacceptable.”

“It looks like someone special got their feelings hurt. He sure will look good in red, though.”

“If you don’t believe that China truly loves America, you must be a republican.”

“I’d like to know what’s going on with the water company in this city. We have brown water, you can’t wash sheets or clothes when you want to. You have raised the rates 3 times and we still have muddy water. Someone needs to look into this and find out why this can’t be fixed and why you continue to charge us again and again and again.”

“Ya’ll must have just fell out of a coconut tree. Kamala Harris was raised in Canada, she is a maple syrup sleeper cell Canadian spy that wants to burden you with what is to come.”

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