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What Happens After FCA Camps?

Courtesy of FCA

Have you ever heard, “FCA Camps are a time of inspiration and perspiration?” This summer, over 250 local coaches and athletes from the East Georgia FCA area were spiritually inspired and definitely athletically perspired at FCA Camps.

At the camps they served, and they witnessed over 100 firsttime decisions for Christ. Thanks to those involved they were able to award over $10,000 in camp scholarships.

So what happens to our local coaches, athletes and FCA missionaries once FCA Camps finish for the summer?

Area Director Mary Moon said, “We want every coach or athlete to find a church home if they do not currently have one. We make our coaches, volunteers, and fellow FCA missionaries aware of the coaches and athletes who indicated during camp they would like help finding a church home.

“We want every coach and athlete in the East Georgia FCA area to know Jesus and grow in their walk with Him. One way we help accomplish this is to give every coach and athlete in the East Georgia FCA area access to tools to grow personally and through an FCA Huddle. We do this by helping our coaches and athletes create and lead Team Huddles, helping our coaches get plugged into a Coach’s Huddle, helping our coaches and athletes disciple other coaches and athletes, and resourcing our coaches and athletes with Bibles, devotion books, and daily reminders to grow in their own quiet time.”

You could be a vital part of discipling our local coaches and athletes by serving as an Adult Volunteer with FCA. Send an email to learn more –

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