Hardeman Elected to Area FFA Office

Courtesy of Montgomery County Schools Future Farmers of America (FFA)
Montgomery County Future Farmers of America (FFA) member, Evan Hardeman, was elected to serve as the Central Region Area Four FFA President at our Area Four Awards Banquet this past May. To qualify, he had to complete a written application, take a test over FFA knowledge, give a speech to voting delegate FFA members and be elected by them to office. On July 26-27, Hardeman traveled to Camp John Hope in fort Valley, GA, to complete his officer training.
The Georgia State FFA Area Officer Training program brings together 48 student leaders from across the state who have been selected to serve in their respective areas as an Area Officer. This training is led by our Program Leadership Specialist Kylie Whitworth, and also facilitating our National FFA Officer Candidate Jack Ligenfelter.
Here, Hardeman learned about leadership and service. When asked about this experience, Hardeman said, “Participating in the Area Officer Training allowed me to connect with my teammates from across Area 4 and the other Areas around our state. We planned many events for FFA members throughout the year such as Central Region Rally and FFA Day at the Georgia National Fair. This training pushes us to go above and beyond in the blue jacket and encourages us to help others do the same. The workshops we engaged in helped us to set goals be better leaders. I hope to take what we learned and apply it to this year of service in my area and chapter. I am excited for what this year will bring and how I can serve and make an impact.”
The National FFA Organization is comprised of 1,027,273 student FFA members from across the country with the Georgia State FFA Association making up the third largest state association with 81,963 members. The Georgia State FFA Association is made up of three regions and six areas. Montgomery County is a part of the Central Region and falls in Area Four that covers 27 counties.