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Indians Cross Country At Jeff Davis

Courtesy of VHS

Race day started early for the Vidalia High School Indians cross country team, as they opened up their season in Jeff Davis on Saturday at the Peach State Preview. These cross country runners have had a long hot summer of training, and their hard work paid off Saturday as every single returning runner ran faster than they did at this meet last year.

The Lady Indians were led by Senior Georgia Meredith, who ran an exceptional race. Georgia placed 2nd in a field of 112 runners. Georgia was over a minute faster than her time at this meet last year and marks the fastest opening season race of her career with a time of 20.21. Judith Hussey ran under 23 minutes for the first time earning a huge all time personal best with a time of 22.56. Sadie Siegmund, Cannon Sharpton, Gabby Hester and Alana Claxton also had admirable races in Jeff Davis.

Cash Driggers had a great race day as he paved the way for the Indians followed by Chamlee Evans, Abrien Anthony, Liam MacGregor and Jordan Johnson as our top five finishers for the team.

These young runners were so excited about race day. It is always exciting to compete and reap the rewards of hard work. I am very excited about their results. Moving forward, we know what we need to do, and we will continue to focus and work hard.

The Indians will hit the road again Saturday for the Bob Blastow Invitational in Whitesburg, GA.

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