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A compilation of quotations on a variety of issues by national, state and regional writers, well-known personalities, just plain everyday people and from various publications collected by the editors of THE ADVANCE.

Quotes for our Times:

Jason Chaffetz, FOX News contributor and the host of the Jason In The House podcast on FOX News Radio: Harris isn’t ready to fight Trump and the reason might surprise you.

The fundamental problem for her is that she is still Kamala Harris, and she’s just not very good at this. She has no excuses. She should have been ready. She could have been. But instead of magnifying her role as border czar or doing the tough media interviews to get herself ready, she stayed away from the heavy lifting.

Now she needs to be ready to go into the ring with the toughest street fighter of the modern era. She has no excuses. At this point, her strongest attribute is that she’s not Donald Trump. After the convention, when the rubber hits the road, that won’t be enough.

David Marcus, columnist and author: The striking difference between DNC and RNC reveals a lot about both parties.

What we can tell about the state of the Democrats and Republicans from the style of their conventions is striking. In Milwaukee, the people were the show. It was like a small town celebrating a fair. In Chicago, Democrats have constructed a very directed experience. Basically, it’s just this: do as you are told.

Make no mistake, there will be parties for delegates around the city, and other fun events, but the Democratic National Convention itself is a buttoned-up, topdown affair, befitting the current iteration of the party of Jefferson and Jackson.

Byron York, chief political correspondent for The Washington Examiner: Kamala Harris, Joe Biden and the Border.

Wait a minute, some Democrats might say. Are you arguing that every person who crosses the border illegally is a murderer? Of course not. What the [Gianfranco] Torres-Navarro [leader of a Peruvian crime gang and is thought to be personally responsible for 23 murders] case shows is that U.S. authorities, under Biden and Harris, are not really checking anybody. If they let a man wanted for 23 murders through, they'll let anybody through. And indeed, they do.

Pastor Corey Brooks, known as the 'Rooftop Pastor,' is the founder and Senior Pastor of New Beginnings Church of Chicago: 'Defund the Police' Democrats are in my hometown. They get $75M in security while we get nothing.

Not one of these people will make the trek from the United Center to my block to visit the $40 million Leadership and Economic Center that I am building. They’re more invested in dangerous slogans that give them political power than in doing the massively difficult work of transforming a population destroyed by post-60s liberalism. The Defund the Police movement was just a continuation of that destruction.

The time has come for us to stop falling for the false promises of these politicians and start building our future. The hope lies with The People and not the politicians.

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