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VHS Runs At Bob Blastow

Courtesy of VHS

The Vidalia High School Indians Cross Country team traveled to Whitesburg, Georgia, for the Bob Blastow Invitational Saturday, and the runners brought home numerous personal best times and a bit of hardware.


Georgia Meredith came up big with a 2nd place finish and an all time personal best time of 19:56. Judith Hussey has shaved off over 50 seconds from last year's personal best time. Hussey is only a sophomore, has big goals for herself and her team this year, and puts in the work to make it happen, along with Sadie Siegmund, who is also running exceptionally well. Freshman Cannon Sharpton has knocked off nearly 2 minutes in two races and senior Alana Claxton has had 2 personal best times in 2 meets. The ladies placed 6th out of 12 teams.


Cash Driggers placed 9th in a large competitive field running a personal best time of 17:53. Abrien Anthony narrowly missed his personal best time but is still over a minute ahead of where he was at this meet last year and is running very well. Chamlee Evans, Liam MacGregor, Roderick Berry, Jordan Johnson, Simon Collins and Gabe Cleghorn rounded out the team with a 5th place finish in a field of 20 teams. Gabe Leghorn had the largest personal best for the team and continues to commit to improving each day.

Coach Mandy Godbee said, “I am very excited about our results and personal best these kids continue to achieve each week. We have a couple of areas we need to focus on to improve, and I am certain these kids will adjust and make this happen. They are a strong, talented group of runners with a bright and exciting season ahead.”

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