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My imagination would explode with visions of what life was like before automobiles, electricity, and other modern conveniences. The stories of her family had been passed down to her from her people — folks who were smart, capable and had helped settle the wild hills of Appalachia. I hung on her every word.

Fast forward to last month.

I interviewed Todd Faircloth, the Executive Director of the Foxfire Village Museum and Mercantile in Mountain City, Georgia, a few miles north of Dahlonega. Todd is a keeper of a time capsule, of sorts — an outdoor village situated on eight wooded acres with over 20 historic log buildings filled with artifacts capturing the daily lives of North Georgia mountain people from 1820 to present day. Foxfire is committed to preserving the soul of the mountains and offering up the stories and wisdom of yesteryear to the many visitors who wander through.

I enjoyed talking to Todd.

“There’s magic up here,” he told me. “If you close your eyes and stand here for a minute, you can almost see the people who settled in Southern Appalachia all those years ago — people with grit and ingenuity.”

“My mom’s mother grew up in that area,” I proudly told him that day.

“Well then, you under- stand this place. You have Appalachian roots.” And that’s when it hit me. I had never thought of myself having Appalachian roots until Todd made the connection for me. One- quarter of my DNA was transferred to me through my grandmother, which makes me one-quarter Ap palachian.

"Yes, I suppose I do," I finally uttered. Thoughts flooded my mind — my affinity for antiques and my desire to learn to cook perfect cornbread, crochet rugs from rags, grow gardens, preserve food, and make things like butter, soap and wine when I could easily go to a grocery store and buy them. I suddenly realized why I am drawn to the mountains and music by Gillian Welch, a singer/ songwriter who performs Appalachian-style music, and why folk remedies and moonshine intrigue me so.

Why have I never made the connection before?

My Grandmother Ona Jarrard Jarriel — smart, tough as nails and a kind, loving force in my life — was a mountain woman who relocated from Lumpkin County to Tattnall County to teach school in 1918, and through her, I am one-quarter Appa lachian. Twenty-five percent! That’s a lot! And so today and every day for the rest of my life, I will celebrate my deep Appalachian roots. I will wear that heritage with pride — a realization that has deepened my connection to the strength and resilience of my grandmother’s legacy and made me even prouder of who I am. One-quarter Appala chian!

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