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A compilation of quotations on a variety of issues by national, state and regional writers, well-known personalities, just plain everyday people and from various publications collected by the editors of THE ADVANCE.

Quotes for our Times:

Matt Vespa, Senior Editor at Townhall. com: There was one slight problem with Fox News' Town Hall Event with Trump.

One hour with Trump in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, isn’t enough time, especially given all the issues that are on the table in this election, thanks to the destructive idiocy of the Biden White House. The world is aflame, we’re poorer than we were four years ago, and we’re dealing with an illegal alien invasion. Trump was right to point out that no country has let in 21 million people over three-and-a-half years. Mass deportation is now favored among a majority of voters, including Hispanics. What was long considered a pie-in-the-sky immigration initiative might need to become a priority due to national security issues. Operational control of the border must be restored.

Derek Hunter, Washington, DC, based writer, radio host and political strategist: The more people hear from Kamala Harris the less they like her.

With a record like that, you can’t blame Democrats for wanting to hide her. If I were advising Trump, I’d propose giving most of his time in the debate to her, since the more people hear from her, the less they like her. Tossing a word salad will only get you so far, even with the media propping you up. .

David Marcus, columnist and author: The wheels are falling off the Harris-Walz vibe bus.

As the first orange leaves flutter to the ground this week, we find ourselves where we were before Joe Biden’s inability to serve was spelled out in giant neon. This race is a toss up, the electorate is as divided as ever, and we are basically going into the fourth quarter all tied up.

For Donald Trump and JD Vance, who have now blunted the short-lived Harris surge, this means more of the same, staying in the public eye as much as possible. You wouldn’t be surprised to see either of them with giant scissors at the grand opening of a Dairy Queen.

Harris and Walz, on the other hand, need a second act. Kamala describing how she makes collard greens and Tim eating pork chops on a stick at the state fair isn’t going to cut it.

Hugh Hewitt, host of the Hugh Hewitt show: Kamala Harris lacks the minimum skills set to be president.

Kamala Harris is afraid of the media— even the extremely friendly media. She will not sit down for interviews because every interview she has given has been a disaster for her. She can’t communicate and her rate of staff turnover is deeply worrisome.

Those in the legacy media telling you otherwise about Harris’s skills are the same people who told you Biden was just fine up until he displayed in unmistakable fashion that he isn’t. Harris is not ready to be president, and there is zero indication that she can grow into the job or even has confidence in her own ability to do so.

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