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Fall Meetings Scheduled For Kinship Caregiver Support Group

The Toombs County Family Connection Kinship Caregiver Support Group has announced its meeting schedule for the upcoming months.

“Kinship care” refers to a temporary or permanent arrangement, where a child’s relative or nonrelated adult with a longstanding rlationship and bond with the child and child’s family, has taken over full-time care of a child whose parents are unable or unwilling to do so. This care includes relationships formed through an informal arrangement, legal custody, guardianship order, relative foster care placement, or kinship adoption.

The support group was created in February 2022, as the organization discovered a large increase in kinship caregiving families within the county.

The group’s Fall meetings will kick off on Thursday, September 26, as a celebration is held from 6 p.m. until 8 p.m. at the Durden Cabin at Partin Park, located at 168 Miot Street in Lyons. Childcare is available for this event, and children should be dropped off at the NeSmith Birthday House within the park prior to arriving at the Durden Cabin.

Other upcoming meetings will be held on October 24 and November 21 at the same location. Childcare will also be available for these events.

Anyone interested in attending the event should RSVP by texting (912) 245-2542.

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