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Your Mind - ONLINE


Your Mind

Got a complaint? Got a compliment? Call Your Mind On Line at 537-6397 and let us know what’s on your mind. Quotes are printed exactly as they are called in and are not necessarily factual, but rather, callers’ opinions. Libelous, slanderous, personal attacks, and unfounded accusatory or lengthy comments will not be printed. Two calls per week per caller, and calls should not exceed 30 seconds, please.

“Whoever decided to put those banners on the side of the new chamber building needs to be fired. You took a 5 million dollar building and ruined it.”

“Why does the judge in New Hampshire think that trans boys will come to ‘irreparable harm’ if they are not allowed to play on girls’ teams, but that the girls playing against muscular boys won’t come to ‘irreparable harm?’” “Biden and Kamala want illegals to vote and that’s illegal. You have to be a citizen of the United States to able to vote. They are breaking the law. I came to this country and I became a citizen so I could vote legally. They are wrong. Save this country from socialism please. God Bless.”

“If you want to see a bunch of clowns on TV, watch Harris and Donald Trump. They act like a bunch of monkeys when they’re on TV. But the only thing good about it, if the democrats don’t get in this year, we’ve had it.”

“This is crazy what the water bills have gone up to in Vidalia. For single senior citizens, $20 more a month and you’re living by yourself, and no water pressure. What’s going on in Vidalia?”

“I was wondering why you didn’t post in the paper this year about schools days off and all of that. I have relied on that ever since my child started school. Please put it back in the paper.”

(Editor’s Note: Back to School information was published in the July 31, 2024, edition of The Advance.)

“I just passed a Vidalia police cruiser, a white explorer, with a headlight out. That is totally unacceptable for the police to be riding around with a headlight out. What’s going on with the city?”

“Can we do something about the sheriff’s department maintenance personnel? They are driving recklessly. They ran me off the road on 297 multiple times. I’ve called the sheriff’s department and they didn’t do anything. My only other option is to go to the state and I’d rather not do that.”

“The kids in schools with guns and shooting this, that and the other, it’s all coming back to like it was 75 years ago, called Bloody Toombs. The parents are to blame for this buying them cell phones, new cars and trucks, to make them go to school. What a waste.”

“Those solar panels in Montgomery County are ruining what used to be a really pretty countryside. Please stop. We don’t need any more solar panels. The cost is too high to us locally.”

“Well, our water bills went up. There’s a leak on Adams St. that’s been running water for 5 or 6 days now. They could have paid for 2 or 3 people’s water with that. Why don’t they fix the leak instead of going up on people’s water?”

“Why are scam artists, who are ruining the lives of thousands of people who never get their money or property back, sentenced to only 20 years in prison? Why aren’t criminals sentenced to a life of hard labor in prison earning money to pay back their victims and required to make complete restitution for every crime they comment?”

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