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RTCA Falls To Briarwood

RTCA Falls To Briarwood
Christian Mixon tries to find some open space as RTCA battles a tough Briarwood team.Photo by Mike Branch
RTCA Falls To Briarwood
Christian Mixon tries to find some open space as RTCA battles a tough Briarwood team.Photo by Mike Branch

The Robert Toombs Christian Academy Crusaders football team couldn't get the offense going last Friday night as they hosted the Briarwood Academy Buccaneers.

Briarwood took the lead in the first quarter of the game with a touchdown and a two-point conversion to lead 8-0.

In the second quarter, they added an 11yard pass with just one minute to play in the half. They failed on the two-point try, but were on top 14-0 over RTCA at halftime.

RTCA was moving the ball early in the second half of the game, but a fumble turned the ball over the Briarwood. RTCA's defense played better in the third quarter as they did not allow the Buccaneers to score.

But in the fourth quarter, Briarwood added two more touchdowns. The first came after RTCA turned the ball over on downs at their own 12-yard line. From there it took Briarwood just one play to find the end zone. They added the two-point conversion to make it 22-0 just a minute into the fourth quarter.

RTCA did have a big play from Christian Mixon to Britton Tabor for a big gain all the way to the 23-yard line. That led to a touchdown play for RTCA, but it was called back on a penalty. RTCA never got into the end zone again in the game.

Briarwood added a touchdown on a 17 yard run with four minutes to play in the game. They failed on the two-point conversion, but that put them on top, 28-0.

Briarwood went on to win the game by that score. RTCA is now 2-3 on the season. They will have this week off and will be back in action next week when they host St. Andrew's for Homecoming.

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