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ter a 35-yard rushing touchdown by Culver was called back on a penalty, and then two more penalties forced them to turn the ball over on downs at the Dooly 15 yard line with just over two minutes to play in the half.

The defense held and forced a punt with the offense taking back over at the Dooly 28-yard line with 1:16 left in the half. Wheeler threw an interception at the 1-yard line with 50 seconds on the clock, but that led to a safety on the first play from the Bobcats with Culver making the tackle in the end zone. That made the score 16-0 heading into halftime.

In the third quarter the Bulldogs began to pull away as they scored two more rushing touchdowns. That gave the Bulldogs a 32-0 lead over Dooly.

With 10 minutes left in the game the Bobcats got on the board with a passing touchdown and added the two-point conversion to make the score 32-8.

Wheeler answered with another rushing touchdown with five minutes left in the game to make the score 38-8.

With three minutes to play Dooly added a touchdown to close the lead to 38-16, but Wheeler scored one more time with just one minute to go to make the final score 45-16.

This week the Bulldogs will be at Hawkinsville with kickoff at 7:30 p.m.

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