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there is an opportunity for a lot of leaders in the community to come together and hopefully see progress and strides around this subject because it is a subject that touches every community across the country,” he remarked. "I challenge ev eryone to become involved in this effort and learn how you may do your part to improve literacy locally.”

Action Items

During the business section of the meeting, the Council approved the acceptance of the rollback millage rates, which total 3.685 mills for properties in the city limits in Toombs County and 3.933 mills for properties within the city limits in Montgomery County. City Manager Beck spoke on this difference in rates, as he explained, “The reason the rate is different in the rollback rate for Montgomery County versus the Toombs County side [of the city] is Toombs County had inflationary growth of roughly $32,000,000 in their assessment. Montgomery County had $0 inflationary growth in their assessment, which is why we were able to keep their rate basically the same. So, that’s why those rates don’t match.”

The Council also voted to place a 3-month moratorium on the acceptance of permit or license applications related to the use of land within city limits as R.V. parks. This will allow the Council to review the ordinance governing these parks before allowing any more of these sites within the city.

Council members agreed to contract MMI Construction of Uvalda to replace the roof of the PAL Theatre. This replacement will cost $120,900, which will be funded through Special Local Options Sales Tax (SPLOST) revenues. The initiation and completion date for this project has not yet been disclosed.

The Council authorized the payment of $55,588 to Passero Engineering, who are overseeing the rehabilitation of Vidalia Regional Airport runways, for expenses related to completed work on the runways. According to City Manager Beck, the grant funding that was previously used to pay for the services already completed by contractors was deemed unallowable by the Georgia Department of Transportation Audit Division because of specifications of the grant. Passero Engineering absorbed 75% of the cost of the mistake, but requested that the city pay 25% of the remaining balance, which totals $55,588. Additional separate grant funding will be used to pay for the cost.

Council members also voted to sign an agreement to design a 12-unit T-hangar building and taxi lanes for the airport after discovering that the Georgia Department of Transportation plans to give money for the project in FY2025. The airport is set to receive $156,818 tentatively, which will require a $9,090 local match. The City plans to fund this local match from SPLOST funds.

Monroe Goss and Angela Lane were reappointed to the Sweet Onion Golf Authority, and will now continue to serve until their new terms expire on October 1, 2029.

A special events permit for a cookout for members of the Jackson Heights Neighborhood Association and their guests. This event will occur from 5 p.m. until 9 p.m. on October 7, and will require Sixth Street to be closed between Jackson and Church Streets during the event.

The Council’s next meeting is slated for October 14.

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