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Meadows Hospital to Host “Pink Out” Event to Raise Breast Cancer Awareness

Meadows Hospital to Host “Pink Out” Event to Raise  Breast Cancer Awareness Meadows Hospital to Host “Pink Out” Event to Raise  Breast Cancer Awareness

Memorial Health Meadows Hospital (MHMH) in Vidalia will host its annual “Pink Out Women’s Event” on Tuesday, October 8, from 5-6:30 p.m. in the hospital's front lobby. This event aims to raise awareness and bring the community together to stand 'Tougher Together' against breast cancer.

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and MHMH is dedicated to promoting health and wellness for women. This year’s event will feature a range of activities and resources, including: • Information on breast cancer prevention and treatment • Mammogram regis tration for those interested in scheduling their next screening • Fun activities for all ages to foster a supportive community environment • Free goodies and raf fles with prizes for attendees • Refreshments and snacks to enjoy while learning more about breast health “We invite everyone to come together and support this important cause,” said Kris Cuthair, CNO. “By standing 'Tougher Together,' we can spread awareness, provide valuable resources, and support those impacted by breast cancer.”

The event is free and open to the public, including breast cancer survivors, supporters, and those who want to learn more about prevention and treatment.

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