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Your Mind - ONLINE


Your Mind

Got a complaint? Got a compliment? Call Your Mind On Line at 537-6397 and let us know what’s on your mind. Quotes are printed exactly as they are called in and are not necessarily factual, but rather, callers’ opinions. Libelous, slanderous, personal attacks, and unfounded accusatory or lengthy comments will not be printed. Two calls per week per caller, and calls should not exceed 30 seconds, please.

“We were supposed to get a public apology from the judge. I haven’t seen it…do you think we will see it? I don’t.”

“Georgia Power increases our rates ad nauseam, then graciously gave us a $2 decrease recently. Meanwhile, every single time I turn on my TV, there’s a commercial for Georgia Power. Why? With all the money spent on ads, like we have a choice and they need to sell us something, they could leave our rates alone or even reduce them.”

“What is the problem with our schools that have metal detectors and they are not being used? They should be used at all times. They should be used at all entrances at all times, and ball games, too.”

“I am so glad we have remote controls for our televisions now so I don’t have to jump up and run and change the channel when Kamala Harris comes on. Just mash the button and she’s gone. Thank you, Lord.”

“If you want to save the children in the schools from getting shot, please put in metal detectors. That’s what they need in the schools. I hope somebody will agree with me.”

“This is Thursday,

September 19. We have dirty or rusty water on Waters Ave. Thank you.”

“We need to save our country from socialist communism. Check it out on the internet. Kamala Harris’s father was a marxist professor. That means a communist. If you’re not sure about that, Carl Marx founded communism. Please wake up, democrats, vote republican.”

“Our family will no longer attend Vidalia High School football games. Every game, there is a fight by the bleachers. Meanwhile, police officers talk, look on their phones, and eat. It is a safety issue. I don’t know why the police are not doing more to deter violence.”

“Most of us are very tired of the Lyons detour. Would you please hire the ones who fixed 5 spots in a week, since it’s been 2 months and they can’t fix one?”

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