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E v e r y thing gets tired and needs rest. What reminded me of that was this barber. His clippers was acting up and so I ask him what was wrong with them and he said, “They are tired and need rest.” Even God on the seventh day rested. That’s why the sabbath day is also a day of rest. Even Jesus rested. All creation needs rest. Even the earth-the land. God said that we should let the land rest and folks use to do that. Even the government use to give an incentive for letting the land rest. Now they never let the soil rest. They work it to death by use of more and more chemicals, but that’s the modern way.

The modern way is also robbing people of much needed rest. No wonder we’re so stressed out. Years ago the old timers went to bed with the chickens and got up with the rooster’s crow. Now we stay up half the night watching T.V. and still have to get up with the rooster’s crow. We need rest for our bodies and for our souls. The bible says in Matthew 11: 28, “Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest.” Rest-we all need it. Can you say amen?


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