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Third Party Mailers Cause Voter Confusion in Montgomery County

Third Party Mailers Cause Voter  Confusion in Montgomery County
SECCA RECEIVES AWARD — Southeastern Early College and Career Academy (SECCA) has completed the Georgia College and Career Academy Certification process and earned the Distinction of Certified Georgia College and Career Academy. John Sharpe, SECCA CEO, and Amy Gillies, Industry and Workforce Development Coordinator, accepted the award at the Governor's Workforce Summit in Atlanta on September 12. Pictured are: Sabrina Phelps, TCSG Program Manager Central and South GA; Amy Gillies, SECCA ; John Sharpe, SECCA; and Dr. Paul Sabin, TCSG Program Manager, North and Metro GA.
Third Party Mailers Cause Voter  Confusion in Montgomery County
SECCA RECEIVES AWARD — Southeastern Early College and Career Academy (SECCA) has completed the Georgia College and Career Academy Certification process and earned the Distinction of Certified Georgia College and Career Academy. John Sharpe, SECCA CEO, and Amy Gillies, Industry and Workforce Development Coordinator, accepted the award at the Governor's Workforce Summit in Atlanta on September 12. Pictured are: Sabrina Phelps, TCSG Program Manager Central and South GA; Amy Gillies, SECCA ; John Sharpe, SECCA; and Dr. Paul Sabin, TCSG Program Manager, North and Metro GA.

Montgomery County Election Superintendent Sheila Cheeks is working to inform citizens about the absentee ballot application process after several citizens have become confused by the applications being sent by third party mailers.

According to Cheek, these third parties are not only sending out absentee ballot applications to encourage voters to cast their ballots through the mail-in ballots, but are also texting random citizens and telling them that they are not registered to vote.

“These third parties are not using information from our office or the Secretary of State’s office; therefore, it is not accurate information,” Cheek explained. “The information they are using is coming from different political parties who are working through these third parties.”

She stated that for these reasons, voters are encouraged to verify their registration by visiting the Montgomery County Board of Elections office, located at 254 South Richardson Street in Mt. Vernon, or by calling the office at (912) 583-2580.

Cheek also stated that voters who have sent in these absentee ballot applications through the mail do not need to submit another application to receive an absentee ballot. If a voter is unsure if their absentee ballot application has been submitted, they may contact the Board office to verify the submission.

Also, if voters sent in an absentee ballot application for previous elections this year and marked on the form that they were elderly or disabled, there is no need to resubmit an application. These individuals will receive absentee ballots for the rest of the year.

The last day to request an absentee ballot is October 25.

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