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A compilation of quotations on a variety of issues by national, state and regional writers, well-known personalities, just plain everyday people and from various publications collected by the editors of THE ADVANCE.

Quotes for our Times:

Matt Vespa, Senior Editor at Townhall. com: That Nate Silver trendline is not good news for Kamala.

Kamala is now running away from the media, though pondering a sit-down with Joe Rogan, who will eat her alive, in a bid to appeal to male voters. She’s also facing deficits with Hispanic voters, black voters, especially black men, Jewish voters, and the working class. The vice president’s economic message also isn’t resonating. She raised a billion dollars to come away with a tie with Trump. It’s just brutal. She has many issues to address and insufficient time to do them all.

Byron York, chief political correspondent for The Washington Examiner: A shift in the race.

All this might be wrong. Remember that. A new trend could be starting at this very moment that we don't recognize. But right now, at least, the race appears to have shifted a bit in Trump's direction, raising the possibility that without some new development to restart the joy ride, Harris could be in deepening trouble for the next three weeks.

Joy Overbeck, a Colorado journalist: Will Americans vote for their own survival or choose Trump hatred?

In normal times, the survival instinct and the natural human desire for a decent life would overpower the fictional orange man bad fear porn from the left. Rationality and basic self-interest should easily muscle aside the emotional grip of Trump hatred. But if distaste for Trump’s personality is more powerful for moms and dads than voting for their families thriving and the safety of their children, we are lost as a nation. And the media will have proved their emotional tyranny is mightier than even the biological imperative of survival.

Tammy Bruce, FOX News contributor and author: WOKE WARRIORS FOR HARRIS: The wackiness is just getting started.

Harris is entering what David Sacks, a Silicon Valley entrepreneur and investor, calls a 'doom loop' noting, 'What I said two months ago is that if Harris gets behind, she’s going to have to abandon the basement strategy of not doing interviews… The problem is she is not good at interviews, and if she does more interviews, she’s going to fall further behind in the polls… That’s where we appear to be right now.'

As her campaign falters and she scrambles to make more noise at the voters with interviews, Democrats are coming to grips with having underestimated the American people. The left understands what her intentions are. The rest of us must also understand that her gibberish has an actual meaning meant to obscure her intentions and gain power to maintain the catastrophic Democratic agenda.

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