The bible says to be sure that your sins will find you out. You might be able to hide them from people for a period of time, but they will eventually find you out. But there is no secret sin nor anything secret that is kept from God, because He sees all and knows all. There is no where that you can hide from His sight. Our sin may only be in the mind; in the heart, but that’s right where God looks. In the heart.
Secret sins most times are of the heart. That’s why Jesus said that if you look to lust then you have already committed it in your heart. The physical act is the follow through of the sin of the heart. The secret sin of the heart leads to the physical sin. We hide the secret sin in our heart thinking we’re ok, because as long as we keep it there our friends and family won’t know. How foolish when we can’t hide it there from the one we should be most concerned about. The bible says not to fear man, but rather God that has the power to cast both soul and body into hell.
Instead of hiding secret sins in our heart let us do as the bible says in Psalms 119:11, “Lord, thy word hath I hid in my heart that I might not sin against thee!” Can you say amen?