Years ago the old time preachers besides preaching hard and heavy about hell just before giving the altar call they would say, “Now, you’ll need to get in this altar tonight and repent, because this may be your last chance. When you leave here tonight you may get in an accident in your car and be killed before you get home.” They would flood the altar and weep and cry and repent. Then just as soon as some of them got home they forgot about living fortheLord,butsomestuck. As time went along folks started making fun of some of those preachers and would say, “Oh, it don’t do no good to try and scare them into the altar.” Well, it worked on many and many of them served God until theirdyingday. Backthenfolks were either sinners or Christians. Nowadays, some don’t even give an altar call and you would think that everyoneisaChristian. Wrong! Some are going through the motions but are lost. Should they die in their sins they will go to that same hell those old time preachers preached about and the one that all modern day preachers had better start preaching about, because we will stand before God and give an account. Those folks blood can be on our hands. The bible gives a sad sober woe unto preachers, “Woe be unto them if they preach not the gospelofJesusChrist.” Ifittakes scaring them in to save their soul then so be it. Today is the day of salvation! Not tomorrow, because tomorrow may just be to late. The word says that we none have a promise of tomorrow. I sat in a service one time when the altar call was given and the Holy Ghost was wooing this young man to come to Christ. He was under great conviction and yet he refused God. Two weeks later he was killed tragically. Oh my God! Those old time preacherswereright! Cometo Christ now while the blood runs hot in your veins. This could be your last chance. Surrender your life to Him. Won’t you? And if you repent, then start going to church and live for Him and shout a hearty amen!