Telfair/Wheeler Retired Educators Meet in Alamo

Courtesy of the Telfair/ Wheeler Retired Educators Association
After Hurricane Helene prevented TWREA from meeting in October, members were eager to gather on November 7, 2024, in the multipurpose room at Wheeler County Elementary School. Following a blessing offered by Telfair County Sheriff Sim Davidson and a delicious luncheon prepared by Donna Harvill, Dr. Quent Floyd, elementary school principal and acting Wheeler County Superintendent, welcomed the group and led in The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Susan Rodgers shared an inspirational talk on being thankful. She closed with a rendition of C. J. Beaman’s humorous refrain: May your stuffing be tasty; may your turkey be plump. May your potatoes and gravy have nary a lump. May your yams be delicious; may your pies take the prize. May your Thanksgiving dinner stay off of your thighs.
Sheriff Davidson shared a brief history of the office of the sheriff. Wheeler County Sheriff-Elect Glen Giles, presented a program on crime prevention including tips to prevent and detect scams and identity theft.
President Cathy Routh conducted the business portion of the meeting and recognized members for various accomplishments and contributions to the organization. Members were reminded to attend the reception for retired educators which will be held at WCES on November 20 at 10:00. The next meeting is scheduled for December 5, 2024, at Southern Star Restaurant at 11:30. All public school retirees are cordially invited to join this group.