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A compilation of quotations on a variety of issues by national, state and regional writers, well-known personalities, just plain everyday people and from various publications collected by the editors of THE ADVANCE.
Quotes for our Times:
Matt Vespa, Senior Editor at Townhall. com: NBC News host highlights the immense damage Joe Biden has done with Hunter's pardon.
It's a more reasoned take than most from the liberal media regarding this pardon, but, hey, Trump and Biden now agree on something major, right? It’s bipartisan disgust of the DOJ—what a time to be alive.
Derek Hunter, Washington, DC, based writer, radio host and political strategist: Fire your whiny employees too upset over the election to do their work.
These people need to grow the hell up or move on. If you need a “psychologically safe workplace” that involves coddling you because your candidate lost an election, you are pathetic. Notice how there was nothing remotely similar written about people who didn’t like the outcome of the 2020 election? These people have been insulated from reality for too long; it’s time to let it hit them right in the face.
Chris Talgo, writer, editor, and researcher at the Henry Dearborn Institute for Liberty: Trump will make energy affordable again.
By unleashing the U.S. energy industry like Trump did during his first term, it is highly likely that the stubborn inflation that has afflicted the U.S. economy since Biden took office will subside.
All said and told, energy policy is crucial to the living standards of hardworking Americans as well as the U.S. economy as a whole. For four long years, Americans have agonized over the price of gasoline, electricity, home heating oil, etc. Fortunately, those days are numbered and Americans can soon expect to pay much less for these bare necessities.
Andrew C. McCarthy, FOX News contributor, senior fellow at the National Review Institute, and a contributing editor of National Review: The real reason Hunter Biden's pardon goes all the way back to 2014
And as people in the Trump orbit who’ve been hounded by Democratic prosecutors and committees can tell you, investigations are ruinous. They cost a fortune in legal fees, they dry up business opportunities, and they impose tremendous anxiety on suspects and their families.
The breathtaking expanse of Hunter’s pardon – nearly 11 years for someone the president repeatedly told us had done nothing wrong – is clearly an effort to foreclose any further investigation of the president’s son over the 2014-16 period from which the Biden Justice Department quite intentionally averted its eyes.
Bill Gage, former U.S. Secret Service special agent: How Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy can make the Secret Service great again.
Here’s something else for Elon and Vivek to note. Why so many field offices around the world? Does the Secret Service really need two field offices in Oklahoma? Or three in South Carolina? Keep the main large regional offices, L.A., Dallas, Miami and, of course, Washington D.C., and focus on protection.
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