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and missions to make our community a better place to live, and hopefully, our Foundation will be able to continue to prosper and serve our community in this grant-producing manner.”
Mercy Medical Clinic and Foundation Executive Director Clint Hutcheson thanked the Board and Foundation on behalf of the recipients. “I appreciate the leadership on that; I know that selling the hospital was a long process and building this foundation was tough. But the fact that this money is staying in the community and growing is amazing,” he emphasized.
Before adjourning the ceremony, McLendon and Chairman Calhoun recognized the remainder of the members of the Meadows New Foundation Board of Directors – Vice Chairman Reid McArthur, Secretary/ Treasurer Dennis Ingley, Tim Truxel, Pollann Martin, Ronnie Stewart, Angie McDaniel, Brandon Boston, and Blake Tillery – and the Foundation Administrative Assistant Angie Anderson, as they thanked these individuals for all that they do.
“This is just the beginning; we see that this is going to grow, thanks to the leadership we have. We are going to be able to address tremendous needs and have a tremendous impact,” McLendon concluded.
RACHEL’S HOUSE PREGNANCY RESOURCE CLINIC – L to R: Rachel’s House Pregnancy Resource Clinic Executive Director Elaine Deloach, Meadows New Foundation Board of Directors Chairman Mike Calhoun.Photo by Makaylee Randolph