Local Scouts Retire Flags

Boy Scout Troop 939 and Cub Scout Pack 939 came together recently to ceremoniously retire over 100 American and military flags during their annual flag retirement ceremony at Troopmaster Kim Stephens’s home in Toombs County.
During the ceremony, several of the troop’s leaders spoke to the youth about the importance of respecting the American flag and all it stands for. “It is important that we take this seriously and recognize what these flags stand for,” Stephens emphasized. “This is an event we began last year that really went well, and I [was] excited to get to do it again.”
The young boys and girls recited the Pledge of Allegiance and listened to a short address on the value of the American flag before lining up in pairs, and taking turns gently placing each flag into the fire as patriotic music played. The event went on until all the flags had been properly retired.
The troop will continue to collect old flags throughout the year at Vidalia Fire Station 2, located on Pine Street, and will retire the flags at next year’s annual ceremony.
TEACHING THEM YOUNG – Cub Scout Pack 939 leaders help two scouts to retire an American flag.Photo by Makaylee Randolph
AN ANNUAL CEREMONY – Boy Scout Troop 939 has begun an annual tradition of retiring flags at the end of the year as an act of patriotism and service to the community.Photo by Makaylee Randolph
HONORING THE FLAG – Two scouts held an American flag during the beginning of the ceremony, as attendees said the pledge and listened to an address on the symbol’s importance.Photo by Makaylee Randolph