Anderson Named January Super Star Teacher
J.R. Trippe Middle School Math Teacher was surprised with balloons and a gift on Monday, January 27, as the Greater Vidalia Chamber presented her with the monthly Super Star Teacher award.
The Super Star Teacher award is an initiative the Chamber begun last year to honor the extraordinary teachers who go above and beyond the call of duty, and ultimately, impact lives. The program is overseen by Chamber Director of Operations Amber O’Connor, who spoke on the opportunity.
“The Chamber is excited to be able to offer this program to our community! We couldn’t think of a more deserving group of professionals in our workplace to be recognized for their dedication to students and their community,” she remarked. “A Super Star Teacher demonstrates excellence in leadership in their classroom along with motivation for their students. They show a high level of commitment to not only their students but their community.”
The Chamber collects nominations for the award every month, then nominations are reviewed by monthly sponsors to select a winner, who is presented with the award and prizes during the school day. Trane Technologies and Dermatology Associates sponsored this month’s presentation.
During the presentation, the submitted nomination that earned Anderson the award was shared. This nomination read, “Portia has the biggest heart for all of her studentsyou can tell she wants them to excel by her actions and how she treats all of her students. She has many, but she has a way of making every student feel special and important. She is also one of the loudest cheerleaders for each of her students in their sports activities! You can always count on her to be the first to volunteer to help!”
Nominations have already closed for the February Super Star Teacher award, which will be announced in the coming weeks.